COVID-19 Mental Health

10 Steps To Protect Your Mental Health During The Coronavirus

What steps are we taking to stay mentally fit during the COVID-19 crisis?

By Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Vasanth R

The world is facing distress and undoubtedly one of the most challenging times we have ever witnessed. While physical health is taking a toll across the world, there are thankfully a number of things we can do to protect ourselves and stay safe.

But amidst difficult conditions like lockdown and social distancing, the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of an individual can be profound. Are we doing enough to ensure our mental well-being and that of our loved ones? It’s time for a quick wake up call and to realise the small things we can do to stay happy, positive and calm during a crisis like these.

Here are 10 simple steps one needs to follow every day to protect their mental health during the coronavirus:

  1. Formulate a regular routine that you can follow every day.
  2. For people working at home- assign a designated workplace at home and remember to keep it clean and tidy
  3. Family time is important – so utilise this opportunity to have meals together, play a game, gardening.
  4. Pick up a hobby that you always wanted to do.
  5. Online courses can be picked up to brush up your knowledge.
  6. Couples can work on improving their compatibility by doing activities together.
  7. Relaxation exercises, music, yoga can be taken up to feel better.
  8. Limit your time on social media and on news related to the COVID-19 virus.
  9. Talk about positive topics in the house and remain optimistic.
  10. Explain to the children and the aged that they are being taken care and this lockdown along with proper hygiene will keep them safe.

Finally, stay home and don’t venture out, this is the service that we can do for our nation and the frontline warriors we have fighting the pandemic. #StaySafeStayHome.