As a part of the health and wellness content space, we had to explore Chat GPT to see if it answered our most pressing questions.

Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist, Division of minimally invasive, liver transplantation and HPB surgery- Gem Hospital and Research Centre, Chennai, India.
As a part of the health and wellness content space, we had to explore Chat GPT to see if it answered our most pressing questions.
COVID-19 has impacted our lives in more ways than one. Apart from the massive impact on the economy, the health care sector is seeing a more turbulent time than ever before. Elective surgeries are being postponed and people are staying away from hospitals and doctors in fear of the virus. Social distancing and limiting our […]
By Dr.S.Srivatsan Eliminate Hepatitis The above slogan is the theme for “World Hepatitis Day” this year, observed on 28th July in memory of the birthday of Nobel Laureate Prof. Samuels Blumberg who discovered the Hepatitis B virus. World Hepatitis Day, observed on July 28 every year, aims to raise global awareness of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C and encourage prevention, […]
Imagine a scenario where you could consult your doctor without having to travel, wait in the queue in the hospital/clinic or even avoid the risk of getting an infection from other patients waiting at the same place, especially in times like these where there is a viral pandemic- Welcome to the world of telemedicine. Though […]
Happy Doctor’s Day! Dedicated to all the moms, dads, spouses, kids and siblings of doctors It is never easy to be a doctor’s family member, isn’t it?. With a whole lot of mercurial ambitions the medical student steps into the medical school, what he faces is a long and tortuous road ahead with its fair […]
In this issue of Gut Speak, here is dealing with the common term you’ve heard- but not fully aware of- Helicobacter Pylori. If you thought peptic ulcers in stomach and duodenum are mostly due to stress, improper diet pattern, NSAID (pain medications), smoking and alcohol, well, there is one other very important cause- a bacteria called […]
Are you guilty of doing this?!
Most of the human body is made of water, so when the temperature rises and the body tries to cool itself by sweating, dehydration can be a real concern, particularly for children especially in the summer months. Total body water constitutes approximately 75 per cent of body weight at birth and declines to about 60 […]
Just imagine a scenario wherein with your MRI of the knee joint, a software can predict your risk of developing a disease like osteoarthritis, based on pattern profiling of million of other MRIs to predict whether you are at risk and also offer preventive options for the same. A new kind of doctor has entered […]
An insight into the role of genes that cause cancer.