Children General Good Health,Naturally

Lactose Intolerance: What You Need To Know

What is Lactose Intolerance? When a baby cries incessantly and passes loose stools frequently it causes a lot of anxiety to the mother. If the child passes loose stools whenever a milk feed is given and the stools are frothy, explosive,  it is a condition of Lactose Intolerance, says Consultant Pediatrician Dr. Rajam Natarajan.  Lactose is […]


GutSpeak 2: The case of the annoying Achalasia

By Surgical Gastroenterologist Dr.S.Srivatsan In this issue of Gut Speak, we shall discuss about another very common GI ailment, Achalasia. As is the trend in Gut speak column, we begin with a case scenario and then proceed towards the management of this condition. Readers are most welcome to address their queries and send feedback about […]

General Most Popular Reads

GutSpeak 1: Here’s How You Can Bid Goodbye To GERD

The classical symptom of GERD is heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest and pre sternal region(behind the breast bone) after meals, worsened by bending or lying down.