What should one do when you encounter a snake bite?
Padham Health News explains in brief about routine laboratory investigations, the normal values, the implications and the like. Focus is on Haemoglobin in this article. Haemoglobin – Hb% Haemoglobin is the pigment that transports oxygen in the blood from lungs to the tissues. Hb is a chromoprotein and is the main component of RBC and this […]
The ABCs of Surgical Sutures
The complete description of surgical sutures and their history.
All that you need to know about Gall Bladder stones.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Coffee Cups
Forget the fringes- focus on the content!
Power of Faith
Who says miracles don’t happen?!
Our experct tells you why smoking is no option for a healthy lifestyle.
Know all about Prostate Cancer and why it is not unconquerable
Dentin is the second layer of a sound tooth, yellowish in colour. Acting as a shock absorber, it is an integral part of your teeth, says Dr. K. Sujatha. Functions of Dentin: Dentin acts as a cushion and absorbs all the masticatory forces. It is resilient in nature and thereby prevents excess masticatory forces acting on […]